
Your frequently asked

  • There is an art to consulting as well as a science?

    When I was a child, I just assumed that in order for a sailboat to go, say, east, the wind had to be blowing from the west to the east. I was amazed to learn that, no matter which way the wind blew, it wanted to go.

  • Your brand is what people say about you when?

    When I was a child, I just assumed that in order for a sailboat to go, say, east, the wind had to be blowing from the west to the east. I was amazed to learn that, no matter which way the wind blew, it wanted to go.

  • If you think implementing CRM costs too much is good?

    When I was a child, I just assumed that in order for a sailboat to go, say, east, the wind had to be blowing from the west to the east. I was amazed to learn that, no matter which way the wind blew, it wanted to go.

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